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Frequently Asked Questions

How soon will I receive my goods?
The maximum time to release an item is 12 hours. Most items are released instantly, but to receive services and gifts you need to contact the seller and send them the unique code to receive the item.

What should I do if I have a problem with a product?
Don't worry. The first thing you should do is to contact the seller and inform them about the problem - the seller is obliged to support you during the warranty period. If the seller has not solved your problem, you should contact technical support through the website or via e-mail [email protected].

Why are there other players on a purchased account?
Most likely you have purchased an offline account, which is a shared account that can be accessed offline. It has limited online features, but is suitable for the story campaign. If the purchased account has family access enabled or has other users, don't worry - these factors will not affect your game.

In what cases can I return a product?
Refunds are available if:
1. the item is not working and the seller will not issue a replacement;
2. the item does not match the description.

How to leave feedback?
1.  go to the website oplata.info;
2.  enter the email you used to make the purchase;
3.  You will receive an e-mail with a link to log in to your personal cabinet;w
4.  select the product you want to leave a review on and scroll down to the "Product Review" field.

How to use a promocode?
Promo codes are applied on the payment page. After clicking on the "Buy" button you will be redirected to the payment page, where there is a special field for entering the promo code.
Promo codes do not apply to all of the merchant's products. A list of discounted items can be obtained by going to oplata.info to Promo Codes > Checkout.

1. Selecting product

Select the game you need, service or software through the home page, search bar or the «All Games» catalog.

Select the type of content you need: accounts, keys, game currency, etc.

Select the platform you need.

Select the desired product.

Carefully read the product description.

Press the "Buy" button. You will be redirected to Oplata.info payment system.

2. Paying for product

On the Oplata.info page, select a convenient payment method, enter an e-mail, phone number and click the "Pay" button. You will be redirected to the selected payment system page to complete the payment.

Be sure to keep the account number, account login and password and leave a comment at the bottom part of the page with a positive or negative feedback of the seller. If there are any problems with the product, you can always contact GGSEL Support for assistance.

3. Getting your product

Immediately after payment, a page with your product data will open: a key or account login with password. All the goods you paid will instantly appear in the "Purchases" section on Oplata.info. You will also receive all the information about the purchase on your e-mail.

4. Issues with product

If you have problems with the product, contact the seller. To do this, go to the Oplata.info page, click on "Purchases", select the desired product and use "Chat with Seller" at the bottom of the page.

If you can’t solve the problem with the seller, contact GGSEL Support through online chat on the bottom right corner of the page or through e-mail [email protected].

The warranty on digital goods is valid for 14 days. In a controversial situation, you can contact the seller through Oplata.info and discuss the conditions of refund. If you do not agree with the seller refund terms, you can apply to the court against the seller.